Fights, chaos made sophomore year feel unsafe

I have a been at Omaha Central High School for two years now, only one of those years being somewhat “normal” after the global pandemic. I was super excited to start high school because one of my sisters graduated from Central and absolutely loved it, so I had a lot to look forward to.  

Coming into freshman year, I knew that I was in for a weird high school experience, but during sophomore year things were starting to get a little bit more traditional. But I would shake in fear while walking into school; I was not afraid of getting COVID, I was scared for my life.  

Walking around the halls hearing about the three fights that had happened that day, the two from the day before, and the ones planned for the next day. I had never seen one, so hearing about them was funny until one broke out right next to me and I almost got hit. That’s when my fear became real.  

Waking up on a Saturday morning after the first football game of the year just to see all over social media that a girl had gotten kidnapped and sexually assaulted when leaving Seemann Stadium, that’s when my fear became real. 

As I was crushed in the corner of Mr. Leslie’s fourth floor classroom on May 12 during a lockdown, texting my family telling them I loved them because as far as I knew there was an “active shooter” in the school. That’s when my fear became real.  

We have security guards for a reason, they are there to protect you. But when you see a video of one getting slapped in the face and not reacting, how are you supposed to trust them? 

I heard one of Central’s teachers made his daughter transfer because “Central was getting too out of hand.” I wanted to be next. I spent most of my days coming up with reasons why my parents should let me transfer. I even got some of my friends from other schools to try and convince them. I never got a yes, even though I have never felt more unsafe in my life.