The student news website of Omaha Central High School

Complaining has a deeper meaning

November 13, 2022

All through the halls I hear students complain. They complain about teachers and the work they’ve been given. They complain about the amount of tests or assignments. I too am guilty of this.

For me, it is a lack of confidence. I question if I will get it all done, pass that test, or even complete that assignment. Some days I think I do not have the mental capacity to do it. However, most days I find I do not have a choice at all. Most days has turned into all days as the year goes on.

I lack confidence in myself to get good grades. There is no evidence in the past saying I cannot; in fact, it says nothing except I can. However, I cannot seem to prove to myself I can do it.

I complain about assignments because I do not think I can earn the grade I want. I complain about tests because I am nervous that they will bring my grade down.

I want to leave the classroom proud of myself for the work I have done. This is almost never my reality. I leave the classroom anxious about the work I have to do when I get home. I worry about how I will write my essays and what grade I will receive on the test I have next period.

This story is not meant to put down teachers. It is not meant to make the person reading this feel sorry for me. It is not a complaint. In fact, I would like to acknowledge the teachers of the world and give them a round of applause.
I am only a student, meaning I only see the student side of the assignments and tests. I do not have the task of teaching nor grading. It takes a strong teacher to teach a hard class.

I feel as though students do not realize how much they’ve learned or could learn if they put in the work. Every assignment, test, and essay are meant to be a learning experience.
I also feel as though students have too much to stop and learn with every assignment. They are responsible for doing the best they can on each assignment. But to do that, one must learn information, retain it, and then throw it away to make room for the next lesson.

I also feel everyone is doing the best they can. Teachers are trying to teach, and students are trying to complete work.

Through every ounce of anxiety I have, I feel I owe the teachers a thank you for staying after school to help, giving feedback, and putting in extra work to make each student better than the day before.

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