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Ways to cure boredom that aren’t the usual crafts and hobbies

May 24, 2022

As someone who always likes to have something to do, I’m always thinking about what I can do next to occupy my brain. I know that oftentimes when someone is trying to find something to do they get the same list of activities like knitting, cross-stitching, reading, etc., which are all lovely options but don’t meet everyone’s needs/interests. So, to widen the range of things someone can do when they are bored, I have compiled a list of activities that are a little different from what you would usually think of. Personally, I have used many of these activities to escape the endless scrolling of apps like TikTok and Instagram and I hope that you may use them to do the same!  

Analyze your handwriting 

One interesting and engaging activity to do when you are bored is to look into what your handwriting says about you. This is one of the activities that almost always requires screen time (unless you want to get a book about handwriting analyzing. There are tons of videos on the topic on YouTube as well as articles that you can use.  

Teach yourself pen tricks 

Pen tricks are a great skill to learn because you can both impress your friends and use them as a tool in class if you are someone like me who can’t focus unless you are doing something with your hands. Tutorials on YouTube can teach you all sorts of tricks from easy to difficult and from flashy to simple to do when you have nothing else to do 

Teach yourself how to do a mid-Atlantic accent 

Mid-Atlantic accents were used around the 1920s-1940s because of the desire for clear and defined pronunciation on film and radio. While they were used for radio and film, the accent was almost never used in everyday conversation. Both tutorials and clips from old films are both very useful resources to teach yourself this accent and it can be a cool trick to show your friends.  

Do a collage on an old piece of furniture  

Do you have a ton of old magazines lying around your house that no one wants anymore? A great way to get rid of those magazines is to make a collage on a piece of old and run-down furniture. While I don’t recommend doing this on a classic mid-century modern dresser or a stunning vintage wooden chair, something like the top of an out-of-date side table would be an excellent way to defeat boredom.  

Learn how to make interesting coffee/tea drinks 

One of my favorite things in life is a delicious cup of coffee so one way I personally like to kill some time is by making interesting coffee and tea drinks. Things like Lavendar and pistachio lattes are some of my favorites and I find it really fun to google recipes for coffee and experiment with different flavors. 

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