The student news website of Omaha Central High School

Information consumption in a ‘digital age’

If you tune into Fox you will probably hear about how Trump would have avoided this whole issue. If you tune into MSNBC you will hear about how Trump would have worsened the situation. Regardless of the two sources disagreements, they both agree that the war in Europe is a humanitarian issue that needs to be at the forefront of international conversations.

April 28, 2022

We live in a digital age where it is extremely important to stay up to date on information that feels like it is changing by the hour. The tangled mix of different perspectives on topics makes it even more important to stay up to date.

The differing sides of ideas really muddies the water on nearly all topics, and speaks to the importance of the saying, “the truth lies in the middle’.

I personally always try to familiarize myself with all sides of an issue, because that is really the only way to understand the complex issues the various news channels or outlets of the world present to us. One example would be the war in Ukraine that just broke out. Every news station is reporting on the topic around the clock, but yet can have very different information.

The major American television news networks (MSNBC, CNN and Fox) nearly all have the same takes, just with different nuances on the information presented.

If you tune into Fox you will probably hear about how Trump would have avoided this whole issue. If you tune into MSNBC you will hear about how Trump would have worsened the situation. Regardless of the two sources disagreements, they both agree that the war in Europe is a humanitarian issue that needs to be at the forefront of international conversations.

Another phenomenal example would be the COVID-19 virus and its coverage. Fox and other right wing outlets such as The Daily Wire have muddied the water on what Americans should be doing to help curve the COVID pandemic.

Their anti-mask and anti-vaccine rhetoric has further muddied the already unclear waters, and that coupled with frequent changes to recommendations from the CDC have equipped those outlets with cannon fodder to push their agendas.

That is why I always try to mix up where I get my information. I was watching CNN, Fox and some independent left content creators to keep up with the ever unfolding situation over in Europe. The question I am trying to answer here is, why is it important where I get my news from?

And that answer is very complex, and can not be answered directly in this singular article. Because of that my simplistic answer is this: pay attention to all facets of news making and story writing, and along with that, make sure diversify where you get your news from.

Too many Americans fall into the trap of solely watching Fox News or CNN, and it is about time that we as a country hold these outlets responsible and become a more educated population.

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