The student news website of Omaha Central High School

Crepes superior to all breakfast foods

December 14, 2021

I believe that there is a hierarchy of foods. Some foods are superior to others. This can be due to taste, texture, adaptability, smell and overall goodness. One food that I have deemed to be superior is the crepe.  

Now, what is a crepe? A crepe is an ultra-thin pancake popular in France. It is typically rolled or folded with a variety of fillings.  

I believe what makes a crepe superior is its adaptability, taste and overall goodness. The crepe itself does not hold a lot of flavor, which is why it is so versatile. Don’t get me wrong, I have eaten a crepe with nothing in it before because it is thin, light and has just enough sweetness on its own, but when it has filling is when the real magic happens.  

Most people who know what crepes are see them as breakfast food. Technically they are, but due to their adaptability they can become so much more. There are recipes that make crepes sweet and savory, making them acceptable for any meal.  

Sweet crepes are usually for dessert or breakfast. They are typically filled with jams, Nutella, and fruits. Some people have been adding cream cheese and creams to their crepes as well. They are often topped with more fruit, honey, powdered sugar or whipped cream. 

Savory crepes are usually eaten for dinner. They can be filled with basically anything people believe is savory. Popular fillings include ham and cheese, turkey, mushrooms and Swiss cheese, spinach, artichoke and brie cheese, and ham, asparagus and Swiss cheese. Savory crepes can also have any meat, fish, protein, vegetable or cheese combination.  

The delicate sweetness of the crepe itself ties any combination nicely together whether it is a sweet or savory crepe.  

Crepes are a superior food to me because they are delicious, and most people can find a combination that they love. I don’t know what more a person would need to enjoy a meal.  

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