The student news website of Omaha Central High School

Despite no senior season, softball player made ‘countless’ memories

February 25, 2021

Unfortunately for Central softball players, the season was cancelled due to Omaha Public School’s Covid-19 concerns however, one individual got a chance to reflect on her high school career of softball and explore the memories she created as well as the contributions she made on the team.

Senior Avenlea White, like many, was excited to play softball this fall until OPS broke the news to student-athletes that there would be no season – for any Fall sport – this year. But, for White, the time off gave her time to reflect on some of her favorite memories and moments from her high school career.

“My favorite experience was the annual Swing for a Cure tournament,” White said. “It was a chance for us to remember those who had lost their life to their battle with cancer. It will always remain close to my heart.”

Countless memories are made while playing a high school athletic and White’s career was no different. Along with those memories were the countless contributions that White made throughout her career both on and off the field.

“I was always the one cheering the loudest on offense and defense supporting my teammates,” White said. “I played first baseman so my role was to ensure the ball didn’t get passed me at any point… I gave 100 percent effort on every play.”

As an upperclassman, it was also important for White to be a leader to those who are new to the team and set examples for how to get better.

“My strongest quality was always doing what was asked of me and more,” White said. “Whether it was leading stretches or being first in line for drills, I was always determined to set an example for others new to the team.”

For a senior not able to play their last year of a high school sport, it can be difficult to continue to make memories. However, the softball team had no trouble doing so.

“The amazing coaches and parents set up an event to honor the seniors,” White said. “We were honored as if we did get to play our senior season as Mr. Wilson called off our names and coach Neel had a personalized message for each of us… it was really special to be a part of.”

Although the Central softball season did not occur in 2020, the seniors on the team were still treated well and given time of reflection for what was, for some, their last season of playing high school softball.

“I’ll always remember playing for Central,” said White. “It was filled with incredible experiences I will always be thankful for.”

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