Video games create false reality
April 19, 2019
Today’s generation lives a very different lifestyle than previous generations with the ever-continuing advancements in technology. Everyone knows teens are connected to phones and video games as a way of connection to the world, but it affects them in other ways as well. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, teens spend an average of seven hours a day on some sort of electronic device.
Video games in particular have taken over the lives of thousands of teens around the world where playing the hottest game 24/7 is a must. More and more studies have come out in recent years showing how dangerous the world of video games really is, but that is not stopping anyone. Unless people are aware and exposed to what could happen to their brain and mental health if gaming isn’t reduced, then nothing will change.
Another study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics showed that children and teens who played video games to the point where it was an addiction (pathological gaming), showed strong signs of impulsiveness, depression, social phobia, anxiety, etc. Now the question is, are kids and teens being exposed to the side effects of gaming, and if so, why isn’t it stopping them?
For many teens today, growing up around technology and watching it expand, grow and change before their eyes is very normal. Many were surrounded by technology that wasn’t even imaginable a century ago. This made it routine to play online games pretty much daily without actually knowing what could happen from it. It pretty much gave young children their addictions to gaming before they knew anything different, and they are now having to grow up with that addiction and continue or put a stop to it.
A significant number of the video games that kids play deal with guns, harsh violence and the act of killing other people. Although some may be mature enough not to fall into this, younger children who are more impressionable will play these games and grow up with that mentality. Violence in video games mixed with the violence of the world today can create disastrous thoughts in those kids’ minds.
The overuse of video games is also taking away from people’s real lives and relationships. Many people will skip important activities or events to play video games instead. This could hinder students’ learning that choose to ditch school for games or other things of that nature.
All in all, video games are causing a great more amount of bad than good, and the developing brains in today’s society could be at risk. It is important to think about the actions that the world is taking to solve this epidemic and wonder if it is enough.