YMCA Review
April 26, 2018
It is probably the most well established, recognizable gym: The YMCA. There are nine locations around the Omaha Metro, with one notably located three blocks away from Central. It may not be the most glamorous, but the YMCA is easily one of the best in the Omaha area.
The affordable pricing is one of the best features of the gym. Adult memberships are 42 dollars per month, and student memberships are only fifteen. They are one of the only gyms in the area that provides a substantial discount for youth aged 12-18.
Besides allowing youth to access the gym itself, the YMCA also offers basketball, baseball, volleyball, flag football, and soccer teams for kids in kindergarten through eighth grade. For older youth, there is an intermural swim team for kids up to eighteen. Open gym and pool time happens daily, giving time for scrimmages and recreational exercise.
That being said, it is obvious that the YMCA promotes itself as being a family gym. They offer low-cost childcare, youth camps and service opportunities, and often hold children’s birthday parties. While this is extremely helpful for parents looking for childcare programs while they work out, it does take away from a professional gym atmosphere. But for fifteen dollars a month, it is worth walking past a few children.
There is an alternating schedule of classes such as Zumba, High Intensity Interval Training, and yoga offered daily for no cost with a valid membership. There are swim lessons for adults and children alike as well as tandem or individual personal training services at discounted rates for members. The services that they offer for free for members are nearly unmatched.
So, why the Y? With all of the fancy gym options in Omaha, the YMCA may seem a little bleak. And while it is not the most glamorous gym experience, it is comparatively cheap, accessible, family-oriented, and matched with a friendly and helpful staff. For students especially, the youth pricing options and close proximity to Central make the YMCA an excellent choice that is well worth the setbacks.