The student news website of Omaha Central High School

The True Life of an Introvert

December 22, 2017

So many adjectives are used to describe my personality; smart, cheerful, funny, perfectionistic, and kind are almost all of the most common ones tossed my way. Depending on where I am or who I am with, these can change. But there is one adjective that everyone can agree on: quiet. What exactly is the definition of the word quiet? According to Google Search, it is, “making little or no noise,” or, “carried out discreetly, secretly, or with moderation.” Similar words that I have been correlated with include: introverted, unapproachable, and yes, there are few out of the nearly 8 billion people on this planet that would classify me as “antisocial”.

But what does that exactly mean? Do I carry out secret stealth missions on a daily basis? Maybe I am not Heidi Heyden, but some spy from South America who is here to gain a perspective on the American public-school system. Also, how would I carry out my personality in moderation? I guess if my personality is just about to overflow with the boldness and intelligence that I may or may not have, then I guess that I would have to let it out just slightly so I wouldn’t flood Central High School and destroy the opportunity for the fantastic education that this school has to offer for generations to come.

And in case you were wondering: yes, I have a personality. It may even show if I am not talking monotonously to answer a question that I may even have gotten wrong. I show my personality to my friends and that is how they are able to describe me using the other adjectives previously explained. But, as a new sophomore in high school, I have been able to gain a perspective on how the friend groups at this level works. This is where I start to be grateful for the lack of volume in my voice and the lack of words that come out of my mouth on a daily basis.

Imagine if there were no words to describe how outgoing, shy, introverted, extroverted, loud, quiet, one is. Everyone’s personalities can be magically seen through an extraterrestrial portal that shoots giant block words out at someone at 45 miles per hour. How would I be described? People would be quick to say that I am smart, funny, or sweet, which I agree with. But would they also know that I am one of the most indecisive people one would ever meet, or that I am willing to fight anyone who does not agree that dogs are little pieces of heaven that fell from the sky? Probably not, because I cannot get my gosh darn self to say more than “Okay” or “Yeah” on the spot. But what people may not know is that being quiet has more benefits than one would realize.

Some of these benefits include being the kind of friend that is unproblematic at all. As a fellow quiet person, I don’t remember a time in which I have been in drama with friends or other classmates. Speaking of friends, you are the friend that everyone can trust you with their secrets and with being there for them when no one else would. To be honest, no one is ever a true introvert or a true extrovert. Everyone is a combination of both, but in unique proportions.

So, to all of my fellow introverts out there, or maybe even some extroverts that want to read this because this is a free country: you matter. Even if you aren’t exactly the first person that gets invited to homecoming with a group of friends. Even if your parents make you repeat what you are saying billions of times when you are using your “loud” voice. Even when the first person you talk to is during your fifth period. There are so many outgoing people who you may feel like are able to reap more of the social benefits of high school because they may look like they have more friends, or go out with friends more often. But no matter how loud, quiet, outgoing, or shy you are, everyone is a star who shines so bright that people can see the sun in its own little corner, trembling with fear; even if the light doesn’t make any noise at all.

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